DCOP is a lighter IPC framework with less power, but is well integrated into the K Desktop Environment(KDE). DCOP是一个较轻量级的IPC框架,功能较少,但是可以很好地集成到K桌面环境中。
Kvpm & This is a tool that integrates with the K Desktop Environment(KDE) ( KDE ) and provides access to common LVM operations, including logical volume resizing options. kvpm&这是一个集成了KDesktopEnvironment(KDE)的工具,支持访问常见LVM操作,包括逻辑卷调整选项。
They range from minimalist window managers, such as twm, to large, capable tools, such as GNOME and KDE ( K Desktop Environment(KDE) ). 它们从最低限度的窗口管理器,如twm,到大型的且功能齐全的工具,如GNOME和KDE(KDesktopEnvironment)。