Driver deliberately evade the blood alcohol content test, finds that the breath test results. 驾驶人故意逃避血液酒精含量(BAC)检验的,以呼气检验结果认定。
Normal valve and change of blood alcohol content in human body 人体血中乙醇含量的正常值及其变化
Methods : Gas chromatography ( GC ) was employed to detect blood alcohol content in 200 cases suspected to cause the traffic accident. 方法:应用气相色谱法,检测200例涉嫌酒后交通肇事的当事人的体内血液乙醇含量,并对当事人的年龄、性别、肇事时间及体内血液乙醇含量等进行分析。
Objective : To find out the correlation between traffic accident and the ages, sexes, period of time and blood alcohol content of the litigants. 目的:分析酒后交通肇事与当事人的年龄、性别、肇事时间及体内血液乙醇含量等之间的相关性。
Furthermore, there would be an increased risk of resulting in the accident with rising blood alcohol content of the litigants. 且随着体内血液乙醇含量增加,交通肇事风险增加。