By the research on Microsoft Database Jet, the author implements how to access remote database by DAO in Visual Basic. 本文通过对数据库引擎的研究,在VB中采用DAO实现远程数据库的访问。
NET on Microsoft Access database management presentation of the task allocation procedure, for. NET基于MicrosoftAccess数据库演示的任务分配管理的程序,用于。
The patriot's Trail Girl Scout Council first looked into building a computerized system using Microsoft Access database management and application development tools. 一开始,爱国女童军协会考虑了一个使用微软资料库以及发展应用工具的电脑化系统。
Don't worry, you won't be storing our data in Microsoft Access, you just need a Microsoft Access database as a logical container for the forms and reports you 'll be creating. 不必担心,您不会将数据存储在MicrosoftAccess中,只不过需要将MicrosoftAccess数据库作为要创建的窗体和报告的逻辑容器。
Considering data quantity and software portability, this system uses Microsoft Access database. 考虑到系统的数据量和软件的可移植性,本系统使用MicrosoftAccess数据库。