Regional radio navigation system is developed for naval navigation in special sea area of our country. 课题中的区域无线电(RR)导航系统是为我国在特定的海域建立有效的导航保障手段而研制的。
Review and Prospects of Regional Radio(RR) and Television 地方广播电视事业的回顾与展望
The Project of Regional Radio(RR) Monitoring and Direction Finding System 区域网无线电监测测向系统的总体设计
Research and Achievement of the Beacons ' Key Techniques for the Regional Radio(RR) Navigation 区域无线电(RR)导航系统岸基导航台关键技术的研究与实现
Make Breakthrough in Keen Competition & Strategic Development Proposition for Regional Radio(RR) and TV Cable Network Companies 在激烈竞争中实现重大突破&区域性广电有线网络公司的发展战略构想