So Jephthah went with the elders of Gilead, and the people made him head and commander over them. 于是耶弗他同基列的长老回去,百姓就立耶弗他作领袖,作元帅。
The president of the Republic, who is directly elected for a six-year term, serves as head of state, head of government and commander in chief of the armed forces. 共和国总统由选举直接产生,任期6年,作为国家首脑,政府负责人以及武装力量的总司令。
The president is the head of state and also the commander in chief of the armed forces. 总统是国家的首脑,同时也是陆海空三军的首领。
The secretary-general, with the agreement of the council, appoints a head of mission, as well as a force commander or chief military observer. 秘书长经安理会同意,任命维和行动特派团团长和部队指挥官或首席军事观察员。