Analysis on DNA Technology in Applying Criminal Technology to Detected Murder in Two Cases Criminal Investigation Department(CID), Director General DNA技术在刑事技术综合运用中侦破命案2例分析秘鲁刑事侦查局总监
The management of criminal investigation team, which aims to improve the criminal investigation department combating and preventing criminal activities of criminal capacity. 对刑侦队伍管理的研究,其目的是为了提高刑事侦查部门打击和预防刑事违法犯罪活动方面的能力。
The working specialization of the criminal investigation shows the investigation department has the special and strong ability of discovering, controlling, revealing, verifying the crime, it includes two respects, such as the norm working and specialization team. 刑侦工作专业化集中体现为刑侦部门应具有极强的发现、控制、揭露、证实刑事犯罪的专门能力,它包括工作规范和队伍专业化两方面内容。
The cost of investigation for criminal case refers to the whole expenses which investigation department spend clear up the case in process of investigation. 刑事案件的侦查成本是指刑事侦查部门为了侦控刑事犯罪案件,在刑事侦查过程中所投入的全部费用。
DNA database for criminal investigation was established in Hong Kong SAR in 2001.Government Chemist, department head of the Hong Kong Government Laboratory, is responsible for the maintenance and operation of this database on behalf of the Commissioner of Police, Hong Kong Police Force. 香港特区的DNA数据库成立于2001年,法例上此数据库直属于香港警务处长,由香港政府化验师代行管理及维护。