Ve worked in the factory since I left middle school. 中学毕业后我就在工厂工作了。
Zhang Ming has left middle school. 张明已中学毕业了。
John Rhys-Davies ( Gimli ) had lost the tip of his left middle finger in a farm accident when he was younger, so special prosthetic fingertips were made from a cast of his right middle finger. 约翰·里斯-戴维斯很小的时候,在一次农场事故中失去了左手中指的指尖,所以在拍摄时照着他的右手中指指尖为左手中指做了一个假指尖。
Magnetic resonance imaging showed a large left middle cerebral artery-territory infarct, without shift of the midline or evidence of bleeding. 磁共振示左侧大脑中动脉区域有大面积梗塞,但没有中线移位或出血的证据。
Both ends of the elastic wide band are respectively sewed and connected with one end of the right and the left middle segments. 具有伸缩弹性的松紧宽带,两端分别与左、右中段的一端缝纫连接。