Waiting for TIME_WAIT to finish can be annoying, especially if you're developing a socket server and you need to stop the server to make changes and then restart it. 等待TIMEWAIT结束可能是令人恼火的一件事,特别是如果您正在开发一个套接字服务器,就需要停止服务器来做一些改动,然后重启。
After the TIME_WAIT state has exited, the socket is removed, and the address can be rebound without issue. 在TIMEWAIT状态退出之后,套接字被删除,该地址才能被重新绑定而不出问题。
An early bird the man who is always on time and therefore waste a lot of time wait for other people. 早到的人&就是始终准时来到、故尔要浪费许多时间来等候别人的人。
The pitfall is that no active socket may exist, but binding to the port is still disallowed ( bind returns EADDRINUSE ), which is caused by the TCP socket TIME_WAIT state. 该陷阱是也许没有活动的套接字存在,但仍然禁止绑定端口(bind返回EADDRINUSE),它由TCP套接字状态TIMEWAIT引起。
By adding different time parameters to action places, the intermediate storage policy of Zero Wait and Finite Time Wait(TW) specially in batch process plant can be modeled and analyzed; 通过为动作库所赋予不同的时间参数[4],可对批处理过程中特有的零等待与有限时间等待(TW)中间存储策略进行建模和分析;