In this paper, imported high chromium white cast iron pipe with perfect wear resistance was used as objective material. In order to interpret the reason to its high wear resistance, microstructure of the white cast iron was systematically studied. 国外进口的高铬白口铸铁钢管,具有好的耐磨料磨损性能,为了揭示其优良耐磨性的原因,对其组织进行了研究。
Something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour. 一件完美的衣服,在你的上司或梦中情人想在一个小时之内见你时,你可以立马穿上出门。
So its perfect to wear during the daytime. 所以它在白天很适合涂抹使用。
A perfect way to still wear boots is to find a great ankle boot or shoe bootie which are also a big trend this season and pair it with a straight leg or skinny jean. 如果要穿靴子,最好的方法是穿双踝靴或短靴,配挺直的打底裤或修身牛仔裤。
To show their perfect match, lovers wear corresponding T-shirts and hoodies, especially when they go out together or when on holiday. 为了表示他们是天生一对,情侣们会穿搭配的T恤衫或卫衣,特别是在他们放假一起出门的时候。