Some deserve it : nine pages chastise those on the British left who saw no evil in the 1930s Soviet Union. 值得一提的是:用了9页去责难那些无视20世纪30年代苏联罪过的英国左翼分子。
President Bush vows to fight the " axis of evil " in his first State of the Union address. 布什总统在首次国情咨文报告中,誓要铲除“罪恶轴心”国家。
In order to reduce the preventing and control the road snow evil, China, Japan, Canada, former Soviet Union, US and so on some wind snow drift snow harmed the quite serious country all to conduct the massive experimental study. 为了减轻和防治公路雪害,中国、日本、加拿大、前苏联、美国等一些风吹雪雪害比较严重的国家都进行了大量实验研究。
We all agree that slavery is evil; and certain red-state secession petitions aside, we can be reasonably sure that the Union will survive. 我们都认为,奴隶制是邪恶的;即使有几个红色州递交了分离请愿书,但我们依然有理由相信这个联邦将永存下去。
Be the foregone evil what it might, how could they doubt that their earthly lives and future destinies were conjoined, when they beheld at once the material union, and the spiritual idea, in whom they met, and were to dwell immortally together? 不管以往的邪恶可能是什么,当他们一起看到,由他们交汇并将永在一起共存的肉体结晶和精神概念时,他们怎么可能会怀疑,他们在凡世的生命和未来的命运已经密不可分呢?