Mr Ishihara, 80, whose strong leadership and criticism of government bureaucracy have won him a solid following during almost 14 years as Tokyo governor, said he wanted to be of service one last time, while I am still alive. 现年80岁的石原在担任东京都知事近14年期间的强有力领导和对政府官僚体制的抨击,使他拥有坚实的民意基础。他表示,趁我仍在世时希望最后一次为民服务。
Here you can see that for almost every load, the tuned ondemand governor with an upwards utilization threshold of98 is slightly more power efficient than the default ondemand governor. 从图4可以看出,对于几乎每一个负载水平,调优后的ondemand调控器(利用率阈值为98)比默认ondemand调控器的能效都略高一些。