This article first marketing theory, such as market segmentation and target theory, competition in the market theory, portfolio theory, such as marketing review. 本文首先对市场营销的相关理论,如市场细分与目标化理论、市场竞争理论、市场营销组合理论等进行回顾。
Shall we bring our marketing review forward to this month? 我们是不是该把市场回顾一事提前到这个月?
The second part is related to advertising and marketing literature review and comment. 第二部分是相关广告营销的文献回顾与评述。
The historical marketing strategy review mainly concentrates on the brand strategy evolution process, the marketing pattern transformation path, the propaganda way as well as the fixed price strategy change aspect. 历史营销战略的回顾主要集中在品牌战略的演进过程,营销模式的转变轨迹,宣传方式以及定价策略变化方面。
Using this widget, the marketing lead can review and edit each document. 使用这个小部件,市场营销主管可以检查并编辑每个文档。