Let love accompanied dream street, wandering in the leaves of autumn, the wind roared, or tree stubborn to listen to a song from the King and worry. 让爱陪着梦流浪,在落叶飘零的秋日,是风的狂啸,还是树的倔强,聆听一曲离歌为君愁。
Dream of Old Street 老街残梦
Never give up the dream, Angel in wandering13th Street 梦想从没有放弃,在天使第十三街徘徊
An : You know that dream where you're walking down the street naked and everyone is looking at you? 安:你不记得在那个梦里,你光着身体在大街上走,每个人都在盯着你吗?
But in recent years, the American Dream seemed to slip away, because from Washington to Wall Street, too often a different culture prevailed. 但是这些年来,美国梦似乎在溜走,因为从华盛顿到华尔街,那些不同的文化占据了上风。