Just cut out the size you want, and put right sides together. 只需剪下所需的大小,并把两边在一起。
Press the seam open and carefully align the underlay before pinning the right sides together. 正面合在一起之前,先将缝线烫开并仔细地将缝的粗缝线。
To prepare the seam for stitching, join right sides together and machine baste on the seam line. 将需要缉缝的线准备好,将纪念品物正面合在一起并在缝线上机制粗缝。
If more width is necessary, cut the fabric on the cross grain, then layer the fabric, right sides together, with the nap following the same direction on both pieces. 如需要更宽一些,可以横向裁下面料,然后正面合在一起,两块面料上的绒毛朝同一方向。
This type of plaid may be folded lengthwise or cut on the cross grain and realigned with the right sides together. 这种格子布可沿直丝绺折叠或沿横丝绺剪下,然后正面相对,重新排列。