In this case I know I 'll want to target specific parts which will require new research. 在这种情况下,我知道我将要针对特定的部分,将需要新的研究。
Framework models often target specific domains or problem classes. 框架模型经常瞄准某个特定的领域或某类特定的问题。
If you have lots of mailboxes, you may want to target specific mailboxes. 如果有许多邮箱,则可能需要指定特定的邮箱。
These allow health workers to target specific antibiotics against particular strains of tuberculosis which are resistant to different drugs. 这使卫生工作者能够有的放矢,对于特别对不同药物具有抗药性的结核菌使用特定抗生素。
Outlier detection, however, is target specific. 离群点检测是目标定向的。