Female solicitude embodies the simple world of childishness and the conflicting world of struggling sensibility and ethic; 多重关怀具体指女性关怀、宗教关怀和民族关怀,女性关怀所展现的是纯美的童心世界和矛盾挣扎的情感、伦理世界;
The rise of self-organization theory or modern complexity science is deconstructing the concepts of organization and its management that are based on the idea of the simple world. 本文认为,自组织理论或者说现代复杂性科学的兴起,使得人们在世界简单性基础之上建立起来的组织及其管理概念正在日趋解构。
But not before I had begun to form a picture of the complex relationship that unites, and often divides, those involved in the seemingly simple world of bread-making for restaurants. 但是,那时我已经开始理清为餐厅烘焙面包、那看似简单的世界(TSW)里,时而联合,时而分离的人们的复杂关系。
He looks at fixedly his emotions and the painstaking care the conception in painting, by its dozens of year life experience, the what one sees and hears and appreciates, constructs brief, the simple novel world. 他把自己的情思与心血凝注于笔端,用他数十年的生活经历、见闻和体味,构筑起自己简约、朴实的文学世界。
As you can see from this output, a huge amount of useful detail resides in the simple a.out Hello World file & version information, histograms, multiple tables of various symbol types, and so on. 正如从该输出中看到的,简单的a.outHelloWorld文件中包含了大量有价值的细节信息,包括版本信息、柱状图、各种符号类型的表格,等等。