In Mr Kozlowski's case, it's to put a chief executive in front of a jury, an important moment in corporate America after Enron. 在科兹洛夫斯基一案中,首席执行官将被推上审判台,这是继安然(Enron)事件后美国企业界的又一重要时刻。
Skilling's arrogance, belligerencelack of contriteness under questioning made him a lightning rod for the rage generated after Enron sought bankruptcy protection in2001. 安然2001年寻求破产保护后,由于斯奇林的自傲、好斗和执迷不悔,他成为当时愤怒的人们攻击的对象。
After Enron(AE), People began to pay attention on Transparency of information. 安然事件后,人们开始关注一个名词信息透明度。
After Enron(AE), United States Government immediately launched the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, not only with company management report on internal control over financial reporting, and for a certified public accountant to confirm the accuracy of management reports. 在安然事件之后,美国政府便随即推出了《萨班斯法案》,不仅要求管理层报告公司对财务报告内部控制有效性的认定,而且还要求注册会计师对管理层报告的准确性进行证实。
Through the analysis of regulatory reform in the three countries after Enron event, the writer finds that the changed regulatory system shows the institutional performance. 对三个国家在安然事件后的行业监管改革进行简要分析后,发现变迁后的监管制度发挥了制度效果。