A function word that is used in place of a noun or noun phrase. 代替名词或名词短语的功能词。
Japan and Canada's Chinese Dictionary, in the function word to explain the usage and meaning, the reference to the book in many places. 日本和加拿大的汉语词典,在虚词(FW)的用法和词义解释上,不少地方参照了此书。
A function word having different uses in different languages. 在不同语言中有不同用法的功能词。
An uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences. 使单词短语从句和句子相连不变的功能词。
He habitually says the function word " ah " whenever he is about to speak. 他说每句话之前都习惯性地先“啊”一声,这都成他的发语词了。