Some of the world's most powerful leaders, along with their finance chiefs are meeting at London's ExCel Center to try to forge common ground on tackling the world's economic crisis. 世界20个主要经济体的领导人正在伦敦会晤,争取达成一些协议,协调努力,应对全球衰退,找到恢复经济增长的途径。
This would provide Iran with a dignified path to forge a new beginning with the wider world based on mutual respect. 这将为伊朗提供一条在相互尊重的基础上同广大世界缔造一个新开端的道路。
Success will now require key players to set aside their narrow interests, show flexibility and forge the ambitious Doha outcome that the world expects and needs. 要取得成功,现在就需要各主要国家摒弃他们狭隘的利益,表现出灵活性,共同培育世界所期待和需要的雄心勃勃的多哈成果。
Hunan should forge Changsha Tongguan Kiln Site into a world first-class historic park. 要把长沙铜官窑遗址打造成世界一流遗址公园。
It is an important component of Ukraine foreign economic strategy to forge close co-operative ties with IMF, World Bank and work hard to become a member of the WTO. 致力于尽快成为世界贸易组织(WTO)的成员国是乌克兰对外经济战略的重要组成部分。