A withholding tax is withheld from a foreign corporation and levied on interest paid on loans. 预扣赋税是从国外公司的收入中扣除的、对支付贷款的利息所课征的一种税收。
Also, interest paid on bonds is a tax deductible business expense for the corporation. 另外,债券的利息属于公司的营业开支,可以减税。
If all of these items remain very low, so does the interest paid on the debt. 如果所有这些项目继续保持非常低的状态,那么对过失所付的利息也变得很低。
Interest paid on home loans is tax-deductible in America, encouraging people to borrow more; 在美国,住房贷款的利息是可以减免税的。
The real rate of interest paid on bank deposits is negative and lending rates are far too low for such a fast-growing economy. 为银行存款支付的实际利息率是负数,而贷款利率对于这样快速增长的经济来说太低了。