International Investment Trust Management(ITM) Company 国际投资信托管理(ITM)公司
This paper also probings the trust solutions to the ESOPs such as the selection of the parties, investment trust and management trust. 主要包括对信托当事人的选择、信托方案中两个相互联结又相互融合的部分即投资信托和股权管理信托各自的内容、特征及职工持股信托各方当事人的权利义务。
Eric Thorne, an investment adviser with Bryn Mawr Trust Wealth Management, said many traders have been using the end of the day to take short-term profits. 布林摩尔信托财富管理公司一投资顾问,埃里克索恩说许多商人一直使利用最后一天来获取短期利润。
The scope of investment should be strictly controlled when the pay-as-you-go policy implement in trust management; multiple investment approaches shall be adopted when individual accounts of accumulation system are used in the trust operation. 实行现收现付的统筹基金在信托运营时,应严格控制投资范围;实行积累制的个人账户在信托运营时可以采取多元化的投资方式。
Because of the specific character of domestic trust investment companies, this paper digest the risks the trust investment companies facing and design the risk warning index system for trust investment company management. 由于信托投资公司所面临风险的独特性,本文系统的研究了信托投资公司所面临的风险并设计了针对信托投资公司风险管理的系统的风险预警指标体系。