An Erase is a special operation with the flash device and can be time-consuming. Erase是针对flash设备的特殊操作,非常耗费时间。
In addition to a maximum number of Erase cycles, certain flash devices suffer from a maximum number of Read cycles between Erase cycles. 除了最大化Erase周期的次数外,某些flash设备在两个Erase周期之间还受到最大化Read周期的影响。
First, we make a necessary description and analysis for the characteristic of PCI Express interface and read, write and erase operation in NAND Flash. Second, we make the function modules as a clue to implement the control module and storage module. 首先对PCIExpress接口特性和NANDFlash的读写及擦除特性进行了必要分析,并以固态硬盘存储系统中的各功能模块为线索实现了控制功能模块和存储功能模块的设计。
These provide the actual routines for read, erase, and write on flash. 这些模块提供了在闪存上读、擦除和写操作的实际例程。
All they really need to provide is a set of simple routines for read, write and erase operations on the underlying flash system. 所有它们真正需要提供的就是一组对底层闪存系统进行read、write和erase操作的简单例程。