The percentage of homes that banks have filed foreclosure on or repossessed ( and stamped with the dreaded " REO," or " real estate owned," moniker ) now account for3 % of all mortgaged homes. 根据最新数据显示,美国有97%的房屋抵押贷款人被公司追踪,或者银行已提交或取消抵押品赎回权的提议(并盖有可怕的“REO”或“房地产拥有”字号)。
Others will go to banks or savings and loans and ask to see a listing of the " real estate owned "( i.e.repossessed real estate ). 如此一来,投资者们会去银行或者储贷协会要一份其所属的房产清单。
Thinking about the Management of Real Estate Owned(REO) by the Government Offices Some Problems Need to be Solved in the Reform of Housing Provided by Government Organizations 中央国家机关房地产物业管理改革的思考中央国家机关房改需要解决的几个问题
Rentals contribute to home-price levels and new-housing starts just as surely as outright purchases do, since all such real estate is owned by someone. 和直接购买一样,租赁也有助于提振住房价格水平和新屋开工数,因为所有这些房产都会由某位房主所有。
In most of the countries, real estate may be acquired, owned, and conveyed by individuals, business corporations and any legal entity. 许多国家的个人、企业和任何合法实体都可获得、拥有和转让房地产。