The supreme commander of a fleet; ranks above a vice admiral and below a fleet admiral. 一个舰队的最高指挥官;军衔在中将之上和五星上将之下。
In the United States, there has never been Marshal Rank at all, but they have General of the Army, General of the Air Force and Fleet Admiral(FADM). 美国从来没设过元帅军衔,但他们有陆军五星上将,空军五星上将,海军五星上将。
1941-World War II : Attack on Pearl Harbor-A fleet of six aircraft carriers commanded by Japanese Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo leaves Hitokapu Bay for Pearl Harbor under strict radio silence. 1941年,二战期间:偷袭珍珠港&日本舰队副司令(海军中将)南云中一指挥一支由六条航空母舰为主力的舰队在保持彻底无线电静默的情况下,离开日本前往珍珠港。