After selecting the model of the performance evaluation of parent-subsidiary Corporation, parent corporation need to select the suitable performance evaluation method in order to implement the system of performance evaluation of parent-subsidiary Corporation. 在选定母子公司绩效评价模式后,母公司需要选用适合的绩效评价方法来实施母子公司绩效评价体系。
Based on the research results from the predecessor, the paper introduces the theory of financial performance evaluation and constructs the system of financial performance evaluation of listing corporation in automobile manufacturing industry, which researches from the characteristics and problems. 借鉴前人研究成果的基础,详尽介绍财务绩效评价的相关理论,并从汽车制造业绩效评价体系的特点及存在问题入手,构建我国汽车制造业上市公司的财务绩效评价体系。
The system of synthetical performance evaluation based on performance evaluation is the base of the application of parent-subsidiary corporation control system. 以上述控制体系模型中,综合绩效评价体系是其运用的基础,母公司首先要建立公正有效的综合绩效评价体系。
According to the basis flows of the design for the compensation management system, and focuses on the core staff makes job analysis, job evaluation, performance evaluation remodeling, corporation internal and external salary survey and so on. 按照薪酬管理体系设计的基本流程,着重对公司核心员工即事务职员工进行了岗位分析、岗位评价、重构绩效考核体系、企业内外部薪酬调查等。