The third order nonlinear optical property of PMOCOPV was studied by degenerate four wave mixing ( DFWM ). 采用简并四波混频(4WM)(DFWM)方法研究了PMOCOPV的三阶非线性光学性质。
The Numerical Computation of Stimulated Brillouin enhanced Four Wave Mixing(4WM) 受激布里渊增强四波混频(4WM)的数值计算
We demonstrate electrical and optical controls of fast light using the coherent population oscillation ( CPO ) and four wave mixing ( FWM ) in the gain regime of QW SOAs. 在量子阱半导体光放大器的增益管理中,应用相干布居振荡和四波混频(4WM)技术,我们证明了慢(快)光的电子和光学控制。
A general formulae of signal intensity on time delay four wave mixing with incoherent light ( TDFWM IL ) is deduced based on two level model. 具体推导了相位共轭型非相干光时延四波混频(4WM)信号强度随时间延迟的一般变化规律。
When the pump beams have broadband linewidth, two photon four wave mixing ( FWM ) is related to sum frequency three level photon echo with relative time delay τ > 0. 当泵浦光束为宽带线宽且相对时间延迟大于0时,双光子四波混频(4WM)对应于和频三能级光子回波。