Neither catalogue of foreign investment industries nor review and approval process in our country contains the issue of national security. 而我国看似完备的外资产业导向规则和严格的审查审批程序,却没有包含国家安全因素的考量。
The foreign investment commission shall carry out simplified examination and approval in accordance with the laws, regulations and rules concerning foreign-invested enterprises and the contract for equity transaction. 外资委根据外商投资企业的法律、法规、规章和产权交易合同进行简化审批。
It is setting up a uniform, standard and open foreign investment access system and reducing items subject to examination and approval. 建立统一规范公开的外商投资准入制度,削减对外商投资准入审批事项。
Efforts will be made to expedite the reform of the foreign investment management system, seriously check up administrative deliberation and approval items related to foreign capital utilization, and increase the efficiency of foreign capital introduction. 加快外商投资管理体制改革,认真清理吸引外资行政审批事项,提高招商引资效益。
There is a phenomenon in our foreign investment management legal system called putting more emphasis on preventive approval than after management Therefore, according to legislative guidance in future, we should regard approval as important as management. 我国境外投资管理法律制度存在重事前审批,轻事后监理的现象。因此,今后在立法导向上,应做到审批和管理并重。