Correctly record group rooms and revenue in the property management system. 在酒店管理系统中正确的记录团队客房和收入。
When a record is lost or destroyed in the primary file, the record can be restored using the information of other records in the record group and the information that is saved in the parity file to win high availability. 当主文件中的记录发生丢失或破坏时,可利用同一记录组(RG)中其它记录的信息和保存在奇偶文件中的信息来恢复该记录,以此达到高可用性。
Besides helping the public better understand basic scientific ideas, scientific documentaries also are influenced by the New Journalism, " Record Group(RG) " and " Message sent " controversy and other narrative Trends. 在帮助公众更好地理解科学的理念基础上,西方科学纪录片同样受到了新新闻主义、纪实派与消息派论争等叙事思潮的影响。
After years of development, the diversification of many non-related business often frustrated, as well as the depletion of gold resources, the record group operating cash flow decline in funding nervous start, a rapid increase in debt levels, enterprise development in a difficult position. 经多年的发展,许多非相关的多元化业务的屡屡受挫,以及金矿业务的资源枯竭,金创集团的经营性现金流下降,资金开始紧张,负债水平快速上升,企业发展陷入困境。
Record Volume Group ID V77 in this example for future reference. 记录这个示例中的卷组IDV77,以备将来进行引用。