When the multiple-antenna technique is utilized mainly to increase the information rate, the transmitted codeword does not support simplified signal processing at the receiver in general. Therefore, the signal detection of the MIMO system will become difficult. 当多天线技术主要用来提高信息速率时,发射码字一般不具有简化接收机信号处理的结构,此时MIMO系统的信号检测变得比较困难。
This paper introduces general development situation of the radar receiver, general function situation and the developing direction of the LNA, also introduces the present technique condition of the LNA. 本文介绍了雷达接收机的发展简况、低噪声放大器的功能概况、走向及技术现状。
Started with optimal and sub-optimal receiver, the general design method and some problems are discussed. 首先从最优接收机和次最优接收机出发,介绍和分析了I-UWB接收机的设计方法和一般问题。
During the development of the wideband tracking receiver, this thesis proposes a general scheme for the tracking equipment in a receiver. 在宽带跟踪接收机的研制过程中,本文提出了卫星地面应用系统宽带跟踪设备的工程整体实现方案。
A creditor may appoint the official receiver to act in the manner prescribed as his general or special proxy. 债权人可委任破产管理署署长以债权人的一般代表或特别代表的身分而按订明的方式行事。