The success of the bidding quotation largely depends on the high and low of the bidding prices; bur, if the contractor applies the rational bidding tactics, he can raises probability of winning or achieve more profits or an earlier receive of progress payments. 工程投标能否成功很大程度上取决于报价的高低,但是如果承包商采用合理的报价技巧,却可以达到或者提高中标几率或者赚取更多的利润或者尽早收回工程款的效果。
In modern time, that treated quality as life, quality has been the means of winning the market and making profits. It is in this context, when the statistical process control was produced. 在现代社会,作为企业生命的质量已经成为赢得市场和获取利润的手段,统计过程控制正是产生于这种背景下。
Because the object of the belief is winning consistently, how you take profits in a winning trade is of paramount importance. 因为信念的目标是持续一致地赢,那么如何兑现利润就非常重要。
Hong Kong also extended its recent winning run, although it pared an early advance as investors opted to book profits. 香港也延续了近期的连涨,但投资者选择获利兑现,缩小了盘初涨幅。
While improving the winning rate of the bid, this result also guarantee that there are better profits. 利用此结论,能在提高中标率的同时,又保证有较好的利润。