Remote control target ship is an indispensable training equipment during the peaceful times, which provides real training conditions for the Navy and enhances the combat level. 遥控靶船是和平年代不可缺少的训练用设备,它可以为海军打靶训练提供更加真实的环境,进一步提高海军的实战水平。
Anti-accident maneuver is one of the important contents of " two measures " in electric power safety. Communications system acts as a significant role of information transmission medium in the maneuver, and has the direct influence to the actual combat level and the effect of the maneuver. 电力系统安全生产两措其中的一项重要内容是进行反事故演习,而通信系统在该演习中充当了信息传递媒介的重要角色,直接关系到演习的实战水平及成效。
In order to improve the modern combat level and cater for the modern and scientific war, efficiency evaluation system for precision-attack is proposed. 精确打击效能评估系统是为提高我军现代化作战水平,迎合现代化、科技化战争的需求而提出的。
This article conducts a complete analysis of Tai Boxing in Tai troops, and hope to learn some practical revelations and experience, which can improve PLA special force combat training level. 泰拳是泰国特种部队格斗训练的主要内容,泰拳以其凶狠、实用而名闻天下。
The turnover intention of the armed police junior officers was directly related to combat effectiveness level of the front-line soldiers of the CAPF, and it is the premise of completing all of the tasks successfully that remained the stable of the armed police junior officers. 武警基层警官的离职倾向直接关系到武警部队一线官兵的战斗力水平,而保持武警基层警官队伍的稳定是武警部队顺利完成各项任务的前提保证。