If your theme already has a printer friendly CSS, post a link here. 如果你的主题已经有了一个打印机有好的CSS,在这儿发一个链接。
If you have created a printer friendly CSS for a theme, post a link here to your page and to the theme's page too. 如果你为主题创建了一个打印机友好(PF)的CSS,在这儿发表一个链接到你的网页和主题网页的链接。
Scientific and technical papers : articles in printer friendly PDF format or found on the Scientific Journals web sites; 科技论文:可以轻松打印的PDF格式文章或者在一些科学期刊网站上的文章;
When my printer's type began to go faint, I called a repair shop where a friendly man told me that the printer probably needed only to be cleaned. 由于我的打印机不能打印出清晰的字来,我就打电话给维修部。电话是一位非常和蔼的男人接的,他说我的打印机也许只是需要清理一下。