Entering a start date of09 indicates that you want documents dated no earlier than the ninth day of the current month in the current year. 如果输入的起始日期是09,则表示您需要当前年份中当前月份第9天之后的文档。
Mr Bolton will step down from the flagship fund no earlier than April 2014, he said yesterday, extending his minimum tenure by a year. 波顿昨天表示,2014年4月之前,不会放弃这家旗舰基金的经理职责,这个决定将他的最短任期延长了一年。
Mr Bolton now expects to step down from the flagship fund no earlier than 2013, a move that was welcomed by investors. 波顿目前预计,从这只旗舰基金卸任的时间将不会早于2013年。这个承诺受到了投资者的欢迎。
The disclosure date of the first quarterly report of the issuer shall be no earlier than that of the annual report of the preceding year. 发行人第一季度的季度报告的披露时间不得早于上一年度的年度报告披露时间。
Although as early as 1920s, the study of language in use has become the research interest of the Prague School and the London School, discourse analysis marks its birth as a modern discipline no earlier than the 1960s. 语篇分析是一门新兴学科,虽然早在20世纪二三十年代布拉格学派和伦敦学派就注意到对使用中的语言(languageinuse)进行研究,但是这个学科的发展是从60年代开始的。