The first line of the query simply defines a PREFIX for the FOAF namespace, so that you don't have to type it in full each time it is referenced. 查询的第一行只是为FOAF定义PREFIX,这样就不必每次都用完整名称引用它。
The namespace prefix used in the query can be different from the prefix used in the data. 查询中使用的名称空间前缀可以与数据中使用的前缀不同。
The rdfs : label predicate is defined in the RDF Schema standard, and the namespace declaration in the second line of the query spells out exactly what the rdfs prefix refers to. label谓语以RDFSchema标准定义,而查询第二行中的名称空间声明所描述的恰好就是rdfs前缀所指代的内容。
Based on the characteristics of query algorithm, we choose to use the prefix code and the extend prefix encoding. 2. 根据本文查询算法的特点,采用了前缀编码和扩展的前缀编码方式。
In the add aggregations from query log window, assign a name to aggregation design name and aggregation prefix. 在“从查询日志添加聚合”窗口中,为“聚合设计名称”和“聚合前缀”指定名称。