Advanced alien civilisations; humans living on other worlds. 先进的外星文明,人类在外星居住。
Even this definitive erasure of the distinction between the living and non-living worlds is not, however, the most radical idea in synthetic biology. 甚至这种完全无视有生命世界和无生命世界的区别的观点也不是合成生物学界最激进的观点。
Everyone is living between two worlds, that secular world and the spirit world. 每个人都是生活在两个世界之间,即世俗世界和灵魂世界。
Mandarin and English-speaking Chinese Singaporeans seem to be living in two different worlds. 在新加坡,讲华语和讲英语的华人似乎生活在两个不同的世界里。
How will brazilians and the tribes living in two different worlds communicate with each other? 处于两个世界的人,他们之间将如何沟通呢?!