The ancient civilizations of Central and Latin America(LA) were founded upon corn 古代中美洲和拉丁美洲的文明社会是建立在玉米之上的。
Almost all of the countries in Latin America(LA) were controlled by dictators 当时几乎所有的拉丁美洲国家都由独裁者统治。
Latin America(LA) lacked skilled labour 拉丁美洲缺乏熟练工人。
The movement towards democracy in Latin America(LA) and the foreign debt problems that have plagued it have gone out of focus. 拉丁美洲的民主运动和困扰该地区的外债问题已经淡出人们的视线。
The distinctions between Latin America(LA) and Anglo America are not merely linguistic but also cultural. 拉丁美洲与盎格鲁美洲不但有不同的语文,还有不同的文化。