Note that you used the ila instruction (" immediate load address ") to load the address of the buffer. 注意,这里使用了ila指令(意思是“immediateloadaddress”)来加载缓冲区的地址。
To do this properly, we will be needing to know our load address. 为了确保正确,我们需要知道加载地址(LA)。
Whenever an Employee is loaded, Hibernate does not automatically load the Address because the association between these objects is lazy. 这两个对象之间的关联是惰性的,所以当装载Employee对象时,Hibernate并不自动装载Address。
The system uses WCF technology to build the main functions within the system service, which will provide of parallel computing capacity, increase system load, address massive data processing problems of the data center, moreover, help to be integrated with other systems. 该系统利用WCF技术构建系统内部的主要功能服务,可提供并行运算能力、增加系统负载,解决数据中心海量数据的处理问题,同时也有利于与其他系统的无缝集成。
If we load this known address, as data, into the program counter, we execute a jump instruction. 如果我们将已知的地址依数据加载到程序计数器中,就可以执行一条转移指令。