Service learning subjects incorporate a community service project into the academic learning experience. 服务性的学习单元结合一个社区服务计划与学术研究计划,累积研究经验。
Construct the net, manage and introduce the case of service learning. 架设网站,管理及介绍服务学习(SL)的档案。
Through an applied service learning approach, the course requires students to prepare a sustainable development plan for a community-based non-profit organization. 这门课通过提供服务来应用所学的方法,要求学生为一个基于社区的非牟利组织准备一个可持续发展方案。
The posters, slides and demonstrations below were made as part of a service learning freshman seminar. 壁报制作、投影片与实地示范,组成服务性性学习新鲜人研讨会。
In recent years service learning has started to spread in our country's teacher education program but still is minority. 国内近年来,服务学习(SL)应用于师资培育机构有逐渐展开之势,但服务学习(SL)融入职前师资培育课程中的情形仍为少数。