Comparing the interest rates on 10-year Treasuries with the interest rates for 10-year Treasury inflation protected securities ( Tips ) supports this inflation explanation for the rise in long-term nominal rates. 对比10年期美国国债和10年期财政部通胀保值债券(Tips)的利率,支持长期名义利率上升源于通胀预期的解释。
The sale of Treasury inflation protected securities, or tips, at a negative yield of 0.046 per cent shows the willingness of bond investors to pay up for a security that will over time compensate them for a sharp rise in prices that would erode fixed rate returns. 美国财政部通胀保值债券(tips)能够以0.046%的负收益率出售,显示出债券投资者愿意高价购买这种债券,他们认为长期来看,这种债券将针对侵蚀固定收益率回报的价格大幅上涨提供补偿。
Breakeven rates reflect the difference between yields on cash treasury bonds and those of Treasury inflation protected securities, or tips. 盈亏平衡通胀率反映的是美国国债现货收益率与通胀保值债券(tips)收益率之差。