Tool tips usually show type signatures, list of members of types etc. 提示通常会显示出类型签名、类型成员的列表等等。
Show type headers in drop down; 在下拉菜单中显示关键词的类别;
The legend entries on the right show the type of wait events that are occurring. 右侧的图例显示了正发生的等待事件的类型。
Conclusion HRCT could clearly show the type and distribution of abnormalities in patient with hypersensitivity pneumonitis. 结论HRCT可以清晰显示过敏性肺泡炎病变的类型和分布范围。
You can also show a type member using the class details window by clearing the hide check box for the member. 您还可使用“类详细信息”窗口,通过清除某个类型成员的“隐藏”复选框来显示该成员。