I think the answer's right but I 'm not absolutely sure about it. 我认为这答案是正确的,但是没有绝对的把握。
But, as yet, he was not absolutely sure. 可是,到此时为止,他还不能绝对拿得稳。
Then the doctors are going to have to tell us how long it takes to test. We're not absolutely sure but we don't expect it to take a long time. 医生们将会告诉我们大概需要多长时间,我们不是非常确定,但是我们希望不要太久。
It's important to envision a range of short-and longer-term future scenarios if you're not absolutely sure what your future direction will be. 如果你对你未来的方向不是绝对确定的话,设想一个从短期到长期的未来情景是很重要的。
If you're not absolutely sure you know what you're doing, avoid such a shortcut and use a proper XML output toolkit ( such as4Suite's MarkupWriter ). 如果不完全肯定自己在做什么,应避免这种捷径而使用适当的XML输出工具(如4Suite的MarkupWriter)。