Three row-style rails with stays to be provided on the accommodation deck and the main deck where the places without bulwark as per General arrangement plan. 根据总布置图,在主甲板和每层居住甲板上及无舷墙处设置3列式栏杆和栏杆柱。
The boiler serves a total of three vertically orientated radiators and three towel rails, none of which are on the south side of the house or on the third floor. 这个锅炉供应向东垂直放置的三个散热器的热水和三个手巾架,在房子南边或三楼不用其供应。
Main light source, driven by three motors, can move along with the designated route in the two-dimensional plane composed of three guide rails. 主光源通过三台电机带动能够在由三根导轨组成的二维平面上按指定轨迹运动。
The three youths leaned over the metal rails along the sea-wall and watched a few fishermen pull in their nets. 三个年轻人趴在海堤金属护栏上看着渔夫们拉网。
There are more than three operations to test the coplanarity of two guide rails though it is so small size. 有超过三个行动,以测试共面两导轨虽然是这么小的规模。