This is treated as the normal output of the activity and the process variables are updated, respectively. 它被视为活动的常规输出,并相应地更新流程变量。
The normal output of a C compiler is assembler code for whatever processor you specify as the target. C编译器的正常输出(NO)是用于您所指定的目标处理器的汇编代码。
C & Suppress normal output; instead, print a count of matching lines for each input file. c&屏蔽正常输出(NO);相反,打印每个输入文件的匹配行数。
The - s option makes ed behave silently and suppresses all normal output. -s选项使ed静默地操作,并禁止所有正常输出(NO)。
This could be used for the purpose of testing selpg, when you may only want ( for some test case ) to see the error messages, not the normal output. 这可作为测试selpg的用途,此时您也许只想(对一些测试情况)检查错误消息,而不想看到正常输出(NO)。