Using an ontology editor, you can visually model, define, and express entity relationships and then export the ontology as XML or Resource Description Framework ( RDF ) for use in your application. 通过使用本体编辑器,能够采用可视的方式建模、定义和表示实体关系(ER),然后将本体导出为XML或资源描述框架(ResourceDescriptionFramework,RDF),以供在应用程序中使用。
In JPA / Hibernate, data ( more specifically, entity relationships ) may be eagerly loaded or lazy-loaded as proxy objects. 在JPA/Hibernate中,数据(更确切地说是实体关系(ER))可能急切加载或延迟加载为代理对象。
In the event of a significant refactoring of entity relationships, these can be modeled visually, verified, and then imported into your application, ideally avoiding any programming changes. 在进行实体关系(ER)重大重构时,能够以可视的方式对其进行建模、验证,然后导入到应用程序中,在理想的情况下可以避免任何编程更改。
When you performance-tune Hibernate applications, you 'll spend the most development time tweaking how Hibernate deals with entity relationships. 在对Hibernate应用程序进行性能调优时,大部分时间花在调整Hibernate处理实体关联的方式上。
The EJB container is important for maintaining the referential integrity of all entity bean relationships. EJB容器对于维护所有实体bean关系的引用完整性来说是很重要的。