Woollen sweaters with a soft feel are comfortaBle to wear. 手感舒适的毛衣,穿着也舒服。
Basic dyes have an affinity for wool and silk. The products made of well-selected wool feel soft ( have a soft feel ). 碱性染料对羊毛和丝都有亲和力。用料上乘的羊毛制品,手感柔软。
They had a soft feel and were boneless. 翅膀摸上去软软的,没有骨头。
The needle and the thread perform a perfect combination and manifest the Chinese esthetics " hard and soft feel " esthetics acme perfectly. 而针与线的完美演绎,恰恰最能体现中国美学“刚柔共济”的美学极致。