This paper puts forward a valid method to design the on-board SAR real time imaging processor using seven pieces of Xilinx FPGA based on the CS arithmetic. 根据星载SAR成像算法的原理,提出了一种用FPGA实现该成像处理器的有效方法。
The structure and layout scheme of 42V on-board electrical system is given with its implementation time forecast. 给出了42V电压值车载电气系统的结构布置方案,并对其实施时间作了预测。
Through the on-board LAN net developed recently, it realizes the functions of displaying the track geometry waveform in real time, printing the waveform diagrams with the network printer, and displaying the ambient scenes of the overlapped track geometry waveform. 通过最新研制的车载局域网,实现计算机实时显示轨道几何波形、网络打印机打印波形图的功能。实时显示叠加轨道几何波形的线路周边环境图像。
Its main on-board mission in the normal mode is to observe the targets on the ground or in the space in a long time and continuously. 在轨时,视频小卫星姿态控制系统在工作模式下的任务是通过星载的视频相机,实现对地面目标或者其他目标的长时段连续跟踪的视频观测。
Among the train control system, On-Board Equipment is difficult to completely analyzed owning to the amount of controlled object and the complexity of logical structure. It causes inconvenience on the simulation, testing and verification at the same time. 在列控系统中,车载设备更是由于控制对象众多、逻辑结构复杂,较难进行全面分析,同时也为仿真研究和测试验证造成了困难。