The report is based on1100 studies conducted by national malaria control programs and research institutes over the ten-year period. 该报告基于各国疟疾控制规划和研究机构在十年期间开展的1100(NT)次研究。
And over the past five years, our businesses have created more than 11 million new jobs. 在过去五年期间,我国企业创造了1100(NT)多万个新就业机会。
The book consists of more than 1,100 separate entries, presented in a to Z fashion. 这本书由1100(NT)多个独立的条目构成,按照从A到Z的方式呈现。
Around the year 1100, the cities and fields were abruptly aban doned. 大约在公元l100年,这些城市和田地突然被遗弃。
Over the course of nine days, the pope gave 39 sermons attended by an estimated 11 million Poles. 在九天的访问行程中,教皇主持了39场布道,参加布道的波兰人估计达1100(NT)万。