0700 refers to more than one style. 0700(MST)引用了不止一个样式。
The0700 statement is not available on this dialog control type. 0700(MST)语句不适合这一对话控制类型。
The0700 command can only be called as a function. 0700(MST)命令只能作为函数调用。
In the aspect of design criteria those used in native and overseas ' engineering projects, including sludge toad, oxygen demand, sludge production, MLSS and a set of measured data of 0700 rotor are introduced. 在设计参数中介绍国内工程中常用参数,包括污泥负荷、需氧量、产泥量及污泥浓度,同时介绍φ700转刷充氧实测资料;