But my grades are very poor, hope to do my friend, and I review questions. 但是我的学习成绩非常不好,希望大家做我朋友,和我复习题。
Please continue to prepare to discuss all review questions during the recitation sessions. 在复习课期间请继续准备对所有复习题进行讨论。
Weekly writing assignments are two page answers to three review questions ( see three questions and due dates below ). 每周的写作作业是篇幅为两页的对三个复习题的回答(三个问题和上交日期见下)。
Therefore, the speech written by students and writing the text when it is first necessary to review questions, find out the theme to reflect what should be the perspective from which to start. 所以,撰写演讲稿和学生写作文时一样,首先要审题,弄明白这个主题要反映的是什么,应该从哪个角度入手。
Review questions or teacher-made study guides 回顾问题或老师制定的学习指南