Television is more prevalent than personal computer in China, so, the Broad-Band media service must develop the terminal from personal terminal to set-top box terminal. 中国的电视机普及率远远高于PC(personalcomputer,个人计算机)机,因此,对于宽带流媒体服务来说,需要进行接入终端的扩展,从现有的PC终端扩展到机顶盒终端。
The application of such high-tech products as precision projector, personal computer and audio-visual equipment demonstrates the commercial function of the meeting service of the hotel. 精密投影仪、个人电脑、视听设备等高新技术产品的运用,凸现出大厦会议服务的商务功能。
The age of the personal computer was ending, giving way to an era in which a single handheld device would be the gateway to every service that could be delivered electronically. 个人电脑的时代从那时起开始走向终结,一个新的时代正在取而代之。在这个新时代,只需一台手持设备,就能够使用到所有可以通过电子方式提供的服务。
The television, personal computer and mobile devices are used in IPTV. Through the STB or computer connects to the net, the IPTV brings the service to us like digital TV, mobile TV and interactive TV. IPTV网络电视将电视机、个人电脑及手持设备作为显示终端,通过机顶盒或计算机接入宽带网络,实现数字电视、时移电视、互动电视等服务。
It combines some functions of personal computer with the capability of communication of mobile phone. Mobile terminals can communicate with each other on wireless network, and get various service on the Internet. 它将PC的部分功能与手机的通讯功能结合起来,可以进行无线通讯,还可以通过互联网得到丰富多彩的服务。